Course Schedule


This class is a blended course. This means that we will complete coursework and discussion in a virtual environment and you will also responsible for completing portions of the course independently. You will be expected to fully participate in both aspects of the course and to attend all the scheduled class meetings.  You are responsible for completing and responding to all reading assignments, according to the blog guidelines as described on the Assignments page. 

Week /TopicsReadingsActivities – Intern HoursAssignments
Week 1: September 23

Digital Technology is not Neutral

Hybrid Pedagogy: Principals of Learning in the Digital Age

Emily Drabinski, “Ideologies of Boring Things: The Internet and Infrastructures of Race

Elijah Meeks, An Introduction to Digital Humanities

Week 2: September 30


What is digital humanities?

What is data in the humanities?

William G. Thomas, “What we think we build..”

Trevor Owens, Please Write It Down

Miriam Posner, “How did they make that?”

Paige Morgan, “What do Digital Humanists Do?”

 Blog post – readings
Week 3: October 7

What is metadata?

NISO, “Understanding Metadata”

Introduction to Zotero

Blog post – readings
Week 4: October 14

Data mining and data curation

Miriam Posner, Humanities Data as a Necessary Contradiction 

Blog post – readings

Week 5: October 19Christoph Schoch, Big? Smart? Clean? Messy? Data in the Humanities

Introduction to dLOC
Week 5: October 21
Electronic Texts and Text Encoding
Nebraska CDRH, Basic Guide to Text Encoding

Introduction to XML

TEI by Example

Video Tutorial, Introduction to XML and TEI

Video Tutorial, Encoding with TEI
Week 6: October 28
Topic Modeling
Megan R. Brett, Topic Modeling: A Basic Introduction

Introduction to Voyant 

YouTube Tutorial on Voyant
Week 7: November 2/4NO CLASSES – MIDTERM BREAKIntroduction to Markdown

Week 8: November 9

Introduction to Omeka

Introduction to Neatline
Introduction to Knight Lab – StoryMaps and Timeline
DH Project Review #1November 8

Blog post – readings
Week 8: November 11

Introduction to Caribbean Literary History
Kaiama Glover, The Caribbean Digital: Pioneering the Caribbean Digital 

Kelly Baker Josephs, “DH Moments, Caribbean Considerations”

Week 9: November 16

The project: introduction and methods
Laura Estill, Collaborative Knowledge and Student-Led Design

Douglas Seefeldt and William G Thomas, III, “What is digital history?” 

Blog post – readings

Week 9: November 18

Designing DH research; DH project management
Carole Palmer, Thematic Research Collections

Daniel Pitti, Designing Sustainable Projects and Publications
Week 10: November 23

Minimal Computing
Introduction to Minimal Computing

Alex Gil, The User, The Learner and the Machines we Make

Introduction to Wax (prior computer prep)
Introduction to Github

Class visit by Alex Gil
Blog post – readings

Week 10: November 25

Minimal Computing

Introduction to Jekyll
(prior computer prep)
Week 11: November 30
Understanding research in the context of DH

Digital preservation

Week 11: December 2
Use of Archives and primary sources

Use of secondary sources

DH Project Review #2December 1
Week 12: December 7

How to read, write, show/tell
Week 12: December 9
December 15Intern blog reflection due – Prompt TBD
Week /TopicsReadings/ToolsActivities/
Intern Hours
Assignments Due
Week 1:
January 11/13

The project
Spreadsheet data cleaning
Week 2:
January 17/19

The Project
Schuyler Esprit, Library as Text, Place and Tool

Kate Theimer, Archives in Context and as Context
Spreadsheet data cleaningReading blog post
Week 3:
January 2
Use of Archives, primary sources and secondary sources
Introduction to

Introduction to Twine

Spreadsheet data cleaning
Week 3:
January 2
How to read, write, show/tell
Introduction to TwineSpreadsheet data cleaningProgress Report
Week 4:
February 1

Telling Stories in Space and Place
Jo Guldi, What is the Spatial Turn?

Jo Guldi, The Spatial Turn in Literature

Introduction to ArcGIS
Reading blog post
Week 4:
February 3

The Spatial Turn cont’d
Eric Steiner, The Spatial History Project

Introduction to ArcGIS
Proposal for Individual Projects Due
Week 5:
February 8

Revisiting Text Encoding
Nebraska CDRH, Basic Guide to Text Encoding

Introduction to XML

Video Tutorial, Introduction to XML and TEI
Progress report
Week 5:
February 10

Revisting Text Encoding
TEI by Example

Video Tutorial, Encoding with TEI

Library of TEI Guidelines
DH Project Review 1 – Year 1

DH Project Review 3 – Year 2
Week 6:
February 15
Megan R. Brett, Topic Modeling: A Basic Introduction

Introduction to Voyant 

YouTube Tutorial on Voyant
Feedback on Proposals returned
Week 6:
February 17
Introduction to Voyant Progress Report
Week 7:
February 22

Digital Humanities and ethical storytelling

Introduction to Scalar
DH Project Review 2 – Year 1
Week 7: February 24

Ethical Concerns in DH and data visualization
Christina Boyles, Making and Breaking: Teaching Information Ethics through Curatorial PracticeReading Blog Post
Week 8:
March 2

Digital humanities and the question of sustainability
Introduction to Creative CommonsAnnotated Bibliography Due – Individual Projects
Week 9:
March 8/10

Digital humanities and the question of sustainability
DH Project Review 3 – Year 1 (March 11)

 Weeks 10 -13 Project Development

 Individual Project developmentReview of tools and project developmentProgress report each week


Week 14:
April 12/14

 Individual Project Previews  NO BLOG POSTS