Art and Education: Proposal

Summary: TERESA

In our journey as young people we always learn that ‘Education is the key to success’.  In this project titled ‘Resistance and Reality’, my main research will be on the subject of education.  For many years, even before my generation students have been leaving Dominica and moving to study or get jobs overseas or even in other Caribbean islands. My task on this project is to find out why this is happening, is it because Dominica is not fit for studies or to obtain jobs? My targeted audience for this project is students about age 16 and above who attend college or education levels higher such as universities. The reason in particular why I chose this audience is because these are the group of students who normally live to further their studies elsewhere. My reason for choosing this subject (Education) is to find out why students aren’t studying in Dominica or why is there are decrease in the number of students who come to study here and an increase in the number of students who live to study elsewhere.  Another reason is to find out whether or not our education system isn’t right for studying because that’s a need to know as students who will be soon going to further their studies.  


Questions: TERESA

The five research questions that I chose to centralize my project about is; what’s wrong with the education system in Dominica? Why do students choose overseas or other Caribbean countries to further their studies and not Dominica? Do they move to explore other countries or is something wrong with ours? Can’t our economic system withstand studies that come to our island for studies or can’t our economic system withstand us in wanting to further our studies? Is there something wrong with our colleges or universities in Dominica? These questions are all connected somehow and they are going to help me under my topic much better. These questions are going to give me a clear view on the reasons why students don’t admire the schools in Dominica and the reasons why they choose to go and study elsewhere which is exactly what I need to conduct my project.


DH Elements: TERESA


In this past couple of months I have learned some many things about digital humanities and through this knowledge I am going to present my project by choosing from the wide range of methods. This part of my project which will be on education will be carried about by a knowledge site, a digital edition of texts and a semi-linear, customizable narrative that includes text, images, audio, or video. First of all, a knowledge site is a collection of primary or secondary sources and resources for research or teaching. This type of DH element will bring my points towards and audience of people that are may need this type of information and make it more accessible to them. Secondly, a digital edition of texts is an online version of text. This element will have bring my point across more and accessible and it will also help in the understanding of the topic and the question that are to be answered during this research. Lastly, I hope to find pictures, text, videos and audio to bring life to this project, to make it more attractive to researchers because not everybody learns from reading what they see but they learn from visuals and audio.


Raissa Henderson

Resistance and Caribbean Reality



Education is important. People often say that you need to know your past, in order to have a future. The only way to gain knowledge, is to research, and it is in that way we are educated. This topic intends to present the history of resistance in education in Dominica and the Caribbean, and the development of the education system and its impact on the system of today and of the near future. The aspect of education in resistance would be important to students and teachers alike, of all ages, especially students who desire to become the new generation of teachers and education facilitators. I hope to also reach to scholars who study and research in order to improve the educational status of youth all around the world, and digital humanists who understand the importance of providing accessible and essential information about anything of substance to anyone who seeks it. There are people who struggle to find a good quality of education because of race and religious beliefs, or social stature and a country’s availability. I chose this topic of research to understand how change can be made by firstly answering the question why, since I believe that anyone willing to make a change or to grow mentally should be given the opportunity to do so. Whereas, some people take that opportunity for granted and do not appreciate the blessing that is in their reach, even here in Dominica. I wish to deeply analyse the present education system, in hopes to make request of  positive changes where I believe are needed.


Education may sound like a linear aspect, however, being a curious student has helped me to go in depth and relate education to the topic, Resistance and Caribbean Reality. There are many questions to ask, and many ways to answer them. Through thorough research and analysis, the following questions are expected to be answered.

What does it mean to be educated?

The word education is often tossed around in the mouths of illiterate and literate beings who have many opinions, or rules, as to what it means. This question is an important one as it forms the basis of this aspect and leads the way for the other questions. Who defined education? Was there resistance toward that definition? Who agreed, or begged to differ? How? Why?

What role did the government play?

From what I have learnt about Caribbean history, every past and present event has been politically influenced, whether lightly or not. Surprisingly, the education of a people depends on the approval and prioritization of a government or national authority. This leads to even more evaluation like, were the actions of the government a successful one? What were their actions? How did the people respond? Is there any present evidence of the efforts of the government to push for or against a prosperous education system?

Was education desired?

People are subjugated by acts of wickedness, or even by acts of kindness. Today, education is seen as a privilege, since it is determines your value to a company, and your status in a community. Students often feel the need to prove themselves by getting the highest level of education as possible. However, some may argue that education is the enslavement of the mind by “the white man” or even the black one, because of how it is imposed. So, is there resistance in being educated? Or is there resistance in being uneducated? Why? Is it flat out slavery?

What were the first signs of education?

With every action, there is an equal reaction. Education was never a thing that sneaked up on us. It lingered, became empowered and then enthroned. While it was used only for the betterment of a nation or used to pass the time, it was the cause to many effects. Trends were observed and progressed and education “leveled up”. Therefore, it is important to ask, for comparison, what trends developed in the education system? What were the restrictions? Who or what influenced these trends? How did these trends the future education system?

When; where?

Education, like mentioned before, is perceived differently by a person. This question serves to present a country’s perspective of education during a certain period. It is expected that in the very early days, education would be based on group’s basic survival skills, like hunting and trade. Whereas now, there are more divisions and focuses like neurology and orthopedic medicine and civil, mechanical and computer engineering. Of course, the popularity or demand for a certain level of education would depend the needs and structure of a country. Yet, this all goes back to one question: what influenced the idea of education, or the idea of resistance in that country?

Was education strictly academic?

As said before, there are different definitions of education. Some people believe that being educated does not mean being academically inclined only. The enforcement of extra-curricular activities in schools today prove that education is not strictly academic. When was extra-curricular introduced? Are there schools or education systems that believe only in academia? Why, or why not?

Note that this question is the link between education and its association with art. Many artists have been deemed intelligent because of their play with words or colours, since only few were exceptional and legendary.

DH Elements

This piece of the project will be displayed as a knowledge site with digital editions of texts and narrations. A knowledge site is a collection of primary, and sometimes secondary, sources and resources that can be used for research and for teaching. A digital edition of a text is the online or digitalised version of a text or texts that are related to a topic and serve the purpose of rejuvenating the work of someone else, and/or presenting and creating a different aspect of that work.  I think this format is appropriate since my angle can be displayed to an audience that may be unaware of it and the content can become more accessible to that audience. I also think using digital editions of text(s) will help to bring across my analysis and position of this topic and the answers to my questions. Additionally, it is appropriate because I expect to find documents and publications made by the Ministry of Education that may declare updates in the education system or changes made to school buildings and by facilitators, like salary change, protests, expansions, removals, exchanges. Pictures, texts and audio, if available in good quality, will be presented to support statements, events and authoritative figures mentioned in the content of this project.





Education and art can be seen together in my opinion. When thinking of them as one unit I get the idea of the fine arts being prominently involved in the education sector. I chose to view these topics as one because of my deep interest for the fine arts, especially dancing. Art involves not only painting and sculpting but writing, drama, dance and music. In Dominica the fine arts are merged with our culture in almost every aspect. The music is both traditional involving steel pan, guitar and jing ping instruments (just to name a few) and modern ranging from the piano to flute to even violin. There are paintings which serves the purpose of keeping the culture alive by reminding individuals about historical events based on a spectacular painting. Dancing, drama and writing are being pushed the most into culture as it involves the people themselves portraying culture and history in a physical form which provides a real life experience of Culture Dominica. There is so much to explore in art yet so many questions are raised; especially concerning education. The arts are not widely promoted in education in Dominica and the big question is why? I believe they contribute to one’s standard of living and should be just as important as any other job or career. Why can people study to become lawyers and doctors but not professional dancers or musicians? I believe that there is a need for the arts but there is room for deeper exploration to truly understand art ad education combined.

Inquiry Questions

  1.      Why is art not widely promoted in the education sector in Dominica?

Is there a reason why art is not made equal with the rest of the general fields of educational study? I think that it could have to deal with the fact that there are not many professional individuals within the fine arts sector to teach but what about the few we have? Or shouldn’t we consider providing educational opportunities abroad for these individuals to contribute?

  1.      What is the general opinion of art being a part of the education curriculum?

What do the people think? There are people who are deeply passionate about the arts but do their voice over power those who think it’s a “waste of time”? Would the people actually consider arts being a professional career? How do people view art?

  1.      Is enough effort being made to ensure that the interest in art remain alive (through education)?

Can more be done to expose the arts to the youth or do we purposefully keep them away from education in the arts because of our own opinions about it? In Dominica we have exhibitions and presentations of the various arts occasionally but is that enough to grab their attention?

  1.      How can we obtain information regarding the arts (in detail)?

Is there a place we can go to obtain information about the art? Who can we rely on to educate us about the arts in Dominica? Is the information available for everyone? There are people who seek education in the arts; is there any information which may be convenient for their area of study?

  1.      Is it possible for Dominica to become acquainted with other schools abroad to provide benefits for citizens in arts?

Can we implement study abroad programs in schools regarding the arts? I believe that these acquaintances will provide a lot of benefits for students interested in art but would it be appreciated?


DH Elements

Digital Humanities has allowed me to truly understand the importance of making information readily available using a wide range of different sources and methods of research. My part of the final project of art and education will be primarily a knowledge site where individuals interested in the arts or the anatomy of arts in education would receive ready information to answer the many questions they may pose. The project will include interactive text which will give the information in a way which grabs the attention of the viewer. I plan on using my skill in media arts (audio, video, images) to add emphasis and to provide an interactive environment for the individuals who are seeking the information. The site, although being a knowledge site with text information, will be composed of mainly video and audio to allow the viewer to actually see different aspects of the topics explained, and to hear firsthand about the journey of the arts in education by different individuals. The individuals who will be a part of my project are experienced in arts and will be interviewed to outlay their personal views on art in education.



Garvin LeBlanc


The definition of art is relative. What I may call art may be something that norms and familiarity may result in you not even recognizing it as something unique. For me, art is a unique way of making normal things, less normal. Most of the art forms that are easily recognizable are the visual arts such as paintings, drawings, busts, crafts and other visually perceivable art forms. Other art forms involve music, drama, writing, dancing and storytelling. Yes, storytelling is an art. Everyone is gifted with the ability to relay a message but getting someone to listen and receive that message willingly, takes skill. Art, to me, is skill. Art is tradition. Art is culture. I have a fair knowledge of Caribbean art. I know of a number of Caribbean authors, whether they be born or of parentage. I know of various visual artists and artisans. But where did this come from.          A lot of people know where they draw inspiration and influence but where are those influences and inspirations rooted? Did we, as Caribbean people we draw our artistic nature from those who were brought here? Or from those who brought us here? I want to know where it came from. And how it survived hundreds of years of resistance to exist in our current society. I chose this topic because of my enthusiasm towards art. I’m actively involved in many art forms, namely visual arts as well as poetry, and I want to know whether my influences are a result of the influences that my ancestors and their contemporaries may or may not have had. I hope that my content will attract people like me who are curious about the where their affinity for pen, paper, sound and structure stems from. I wish that whoever is to be attracted to my work is on a search of truth like I am currently embarking on. The truth behind how art lived, fought, and survived in the Caribbean.


What is art?

Where did it come from? What does it entail? What forms does it take on? How have those forms developed? How were these forms influenced? Where were they influenced? Why were they influenced? Were any new forms created? How was art treated in the caribbean? What types of art forms were tolerated?

Who were artists?

Where did they come from? Were they educated? Did they try to educate others about their art? Was art allowed where they came from? What did they do to be allowed to create art? How successful were they with their art? Are there remnants of their art today? Did they leave to spread their art around? How were they met with resistance?

What opposing forces came against art?

Were laws passed to hinder cultural practices? Why? How were they dealt with? Did these practices continue? Who was responsible for trying to minimize the artistic presence in the Caribbean? In Dominica?Were there eras when art was seen as a way out of an economic hard time? Were there psychological blocks forced towards art?

Which art forms survived?

Which art forms still stand today? How have they changed? Have their uses differentiated? Where is caribbean art today? How do you preserve caribbean art? Where do we preserve it? Do we implement art into our educational systems?


DH Elements.


For this project, I believe that the work that I’m dealing with should take on the form of a knowledge site with a database.

To me, the database will make locating sources much easier for those who wish to take up a project like this. In the database would have relevant information of individuals and organizations involved both directly and indirectly to Caribbean art, it’s development and participation in art-related resistance movements. Also, I believe that it would show a fair representation of which Caribbean countries produced individuals who were more actively involved in artistic resistance than others. I believe that this is important for young artists to have a visual and factual representation of the presence of a strong artistic force in their islands. A sub-database would also take on the form of an art gallery/ museum with links to the artists’ relevant information available in the main database

The knowledge site would be structured to facilitate the information regarding the artists’ origins as well as other relevant information used to answer my proposed research questions. Due to the nature of material that I plan to research, I feel that a knowledge site would make the information easily accessible and better presented than the other types of projects. I may implement some features of the customizable narrative in the form of multimedia presence on the site as well.

-Garvin LeBlanc


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